Matthijs Koene

Upcoming Concert at Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam

matthijs koene

‘Sharp thinkers: Pim van Lommel on Endless consciousness’

Upcoming Concert with Peter Vigh’s composition Totaliter Aliter is inspired by reports of near-death experiences and by Pim van Lommel’s’ book Endless Consciousness.

Matthijs Koene will perform with Black Pencil Ensemble and the National Women’s Youth Choir (Nationaal Vrouwen Jeugdkoor) under the direction of Gregory Charette.



  • Hildegard von Bingen – O vis aeternitatis (arr. Black Pencil Ensemble)
  • Alfonso el Sabio – Santa Maria, strela do dia, no. 100 (from ‘Cantigas de Santa María’) (arr. Black Pencil Ensemble)
  • Peter Vigh – Totaliter Aliter

More information about the program: here.
@photo credits: Moniek Ammerlaan


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